Below is a list of Prior Heritage Rider Club Ride Routes
Please Note: These routes are programmed in the H-D Ride Planner. Heritage Riders is not responsible for alternate routes mapped by individual navigation systems.
2023 Ride Routes
Burke Mt. Toll Rd, E. Burke, VT 10/1
4th of July Weekend Ride (7/1 - 7/4)
Poor People's Pub, Sanbornville (5/7)
Riverside Grille, New Boston (Ice Breaker Ride on 4/2)
2022 Ride Routes
Main Street Grill - Pittsfield, NH
Odd Fellows Brewery - Nashua, NH
Mohawk Trail and Mount Graylock, Williamstown, MA
Vermont Country Store - Bellows Falls, VT
2022 4th of July Weekend - Upper Jay, NY
Petey's Seafood (Northern Route) - Rye, NH
Petey's Seafood (Southern Route) - Rye, NH